Crispy Coconut Shrimp

Crispy Coconut Shrimp

4.2 21 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 10 Min
Gesamt 20 Min
4 portions


Sriracha Dipping Sauce
  • garlic clove
  • mayonnaise sugar-free
    4 oz
  • lime zested and juiced
  • sambal oelek
    2 - 3 tbsp
  • salt (optional)
    ¼ tsp
Coconut Shrimp
  • pork rinds
    2 oz
  • unsweetened coconut flakes
    2 oz
  • coconut flour
    2 ½ oz
  • garlic powder
    1 tsp
  • onion powder
    1 tsp
  • large eggs organic, pasture-raised
  • large raw shrimp, peeled deveined, tail on
    16 oz
  • avocado oil to fry

Nährwerte pro 1 portion

Brennwert 728 kcal / 3046 kJ
Eiweiß 30 g
Fett 61 g
Kohlenhydrate 17 g
Ballaststoffe 3 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 25 g
Natrium 1464 mg

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